【回禮小禮物】| 星星禮物盒+小禮物




回禮小禮物1. 進口英國品牌Tiptree蜜糖-樽/28g

回禮小禮物2. 進口英國品牌Tiptree果醬-樽/28g


回禮小禮物3. 手工糖果  一樽

(3.1草莓味,3.2哈蜜瓜味,3.3蘋果味,3.4香蕉味,3.5西瓜味,3.6菠蘿味,3.7提子味,3.8芒果味,3.9青檸味,3.10 西柚味,3.11奇異果味,3.12雜果味)選其一味道

回禮小禮物4. 回禮蜜糖-澳洲-Beerenberg蜜糖-樽/30g

回禮小禮物5. 養生花茶(獨立包裝)  選其一款(5.1玫瑰花茶,5.2胎菊花茶,5.3胎菊+茉莉花,5.4玫瑰花+茉莉花)


粉紅色~You are my today and all of my tomorrows…

紅色~Your are my moon and all of the stars

白色~And so the adventure begins

紫色~Be in love with your life.every minute of it,

綠色~Love you past the moon and beyond the stars…

藍色~My heart belongs to the ocean…

粉橙色~With my whole heart for my whole life…

彩色~Love you to the moon and back…

深紫色~Our love is written in the stars
